Digital Selling Blueprint™

Start your Digital Selling Journey with your personalized Digital Selling Blueprint™.
Each Blueprint is personalized based on your unique profile, current challenges and goals and includes:
  • Sector Profile/Blueprint
  • Recommended Content Strategy
  • Recommended Digital Tools
  • Recommended Sitemap
  • Your Digital Selling Maturity Score™ (optional)
  • Digital Selling Roadmap™ (optional)
Apply your Blueprint Now

What you get

Everything you need
to conquer Digital Selling


Sector Profile/Blueprint

Each sector has a "best practice" set of Digital Tools and approach to content and strategy. We've mapped each as a Blueprint and include these in every Digital Selling Blueprint™.


Recommended Content Strategy

What is your Value Proposition? How are you connecting Target Personas to Solutions? What Use Cases should you focus on? What Content Types will power your website. Content Strategy will help shed light on these questions and more.


Recommended Digital Tools

Not all tools are made the same, and not all are relevant for your Industry Sector, Business Size or specific Challenges and Goals. Here we recommend the specific Digital Tools you should focus on and why.


Recommended Sitemap

Sitemaps help organise the content and functionality on your website and are crucial to help users effectively navigate your website. They also are great place to start scoping up your new Digital Selling Machine™ from.


Digital Selling Maturity Score™

Here we benchmark your current website against best practice (relevant to your size and sector). Your Score helps put in context the gap between good and great and guide to how far you will need to travel to create your Digital Selling Machine™.


Digital Selling Roadmap™

Rome wasn't built in a day and Digital Selling Machines™ are rarely a one-hit project. Your Digital Selling Roadmap™ considers your target state Digital Selling Machine™, your current challenges, business size etc. and recommends a staged approach to execution and evolution.

Your Blueprint Application

Just answer a few short questions…

Please complete this short questionnaire to Apply for your Digital Selling Blueprint™*.

Your Details


Your Profile

How would you best describe your Industry Sector(Required)
Company Size(Required)
Estimated Annual Turnover

Strategic Challenges

Which “big rocks” are holding back the growth of your organisation?
Strategic Challenges (try to limit to 2-3)(Required)

Tactical Challenges

Which of the following are bug bears for you and/or your organisation more broadly?
Curator Challenges (Problem Identification and Provider Discovery)
Champion Challenges (Comparison and Differentiation)
Connector Challenges (Solution Exploration and Design)
Customizer Challenges (Solution Presentation and Customization)
Closer Challenges (Purchase and Negotiation)
Custodian Challenges (Implementation and Relationship Management)

Your Selections

I'm interested in(Required)
*Applications are limited each month, so please answer each question as accurately and thoroughly as you can for the best chance of acceptance. All selected items will be FREE for approved applicants.
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